Practical Guidance on the PPSR (Personal Property Securities Register) 2023 - 22 June 2023 (On Demand)


Join our upcoming introductory/intermediate-level webinar to learn about the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) and its significance.

By attending this webinar, you'll gain a better understanding of the PPSR and how it can benefit you or your clients. You'll also learn how to avoid costly mistakes and achieve the broadest protection possible.

Topics covered will include:

  • Introduction to the PPSR
  • Using the PPSR
  • What you need to know about the PPSR:
    • When you Act for a Creditor/Secured Party
    • When you Act for the Entity giving the security
    • When you Act for the Buyer of a Business
  • Common Mistakes to Avoid


22 June 2023


  • Understanding the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) and its importance in protecting financial interests and reducing investment risk.
  • Familiarity with legal terms and legislation associated with the PPSR.
  • Knowledge of how to use the PPSR to record and search for interests in personal property.
  • Understanding how to achieve the broadest protection for creditors/secured parties and how to avoid costly mistakes.
  • Identifying key considerations when acting for a vendor or purchaser of a business, such as preparing for sale and conducting due diligence checks.
  • Gaining practical tips on how to navigate the PPSR and protect financial interests effectively.


Lawyers, legal executives, and other professionals dealing with the PPSR.


Sally Peart, Partner, Marks & Worth Lawyers.

Adele Isaacs, Solicitor, Marks & Worth Lawyers.

1 CPD Hour

  • On Demand Event
    • $175.00 Summer Sale 40% Discount - Apply Promotional Code: SUMOD24 $105.00excl. GST
    Complete online in your own time (Self-paced)
    • $175.00 Summer Sale 40% Discount - Apply Promotional Code: SUMOD24 $105.00excl. GST

Coming Soon

All Coming Soon >>


Our webinars operate on a 'one-connection-one-fee' basis so you can have your whole team participate for one cost effective price and claim CPD points.


All registrants to a live webinar will automatically be sent a recording at the end of that week along with a full transcript of the webinar, regardless of whether you attended or not.

Sole practitioners

A discount on webinars is available for sole practitioners. Please contact us at NZ‑ to confirm eligibility.