Core Directors’ Duties and Obligations 2024 - 12 March 2024 (On Demand)


What every director must know to govern prudently

This webinar will provide a plain English explanation of the core directors duties and obligations under the Companies Act 1993 (ss 131-138 and ss 139-145).

Recent, relevant cases are covered – good refresher.

A breach of duties and obligations can constitute a criminal offence, imposing criminal liability on directors personally as well as on the company. It is highly recommended that directors, society officers and trustees be aware of the duties and obligations in the Companies Act for which they may be held accountable.

Note: although legal concepts with illustrative cases and obligations are discussed, this session is aimed at SME directors and as a refresher and update to their governance advisors (legal and financial).


12 March 2024


Attendees will gain an understanding of:

  • Who directors are fiduciaries to and what fiduciary duties directors owe
  • Duties in the Act that directors are specifically charged with complying with
  • What constitutes reckless trading, the duty of care, and misuse of company information?
  • Under what circumstances can a director rely on employees’, professional advisors’ and other directors’ advice?
  • Handling conflicts and self-interests
  • Checklists to assess whether you/your board are complying
  • Recent and relevant cases that guide the courts


Current and aspiring directors, trustees, governors, society officers; accountants, acting company secretaries, and professional legal advisors to SME boards.


Dr Karen Martyn, Governance Advisor, DocMartyn Ltd.

1.25 CPD Hours

  • On Demand Event
    • $195.00 Summer Sale 40% Discount - Apply Promotional Code: SUMOD24 $117.00excl. GST
    Complete online in your own time (Self-paced)
    • $195.00 Summer Sale 40% Discount - Apply Promotional Code: SUMOD24 $117.00excl. GST

Coming Soon

All Coming Soon >>


Our webinars operate on a 'one-connection-one-fee' basis so you can have your whole team participate for one cost effective price and claim CPD points.


All registrants to a live webinar will automatically be sent a recording at the end of that week along with a full transcript of the webinar, regardless of whether you attended or not.

Sole practitioners

A discount on webinars is available for sole practitioners. Please contact us at NZ‑ to confirm eligibility.