Trusts for New Practitioners and Practitioners New to Trusts 2024 – Part 1 - 22 August 2024 (On Demand)


A Guide to setting up a trust for new practitioners and practitioners new to trusts.

This webinar is aimed at new practitioners and practitioners that are new to the law of trusts, by working through a case study. Together, we will go through questions to ask the client, issues that we need to consider, elements involved in establishing the trust, and the on-going obligations that trustees need to bear in mind.

Using a case study, we provide a step-by-step guide on the pertinent questions we will need to ask ourselves (and our client) whether trust ought to be established and if so, then what can the trust protect.
specifically we will be asking:

  • Why does the client need a trust?
  • Issues and questions that we will need to raise with the client before setting up the trust;
  • Establishing that the client understands what a trust is , how it works and what it means for the client;
  • Identifying the trustees, beneficiaries, settlors involved in the trust and explaining to the client what these roles, duties and powers mean and how they work within a trust; and
  • Clearly articulate from our client which assets they wish to transfer to the trust, and issues to consider before transference is undertaken


22 August 2024


A practical guide to setting up a trust for new practitioners and practitioners new to trusts.


New practitioners and practitioners new to the field of trust law, tax, duties, obligations, and powers. Practitioners includes lawyers, accountants, trustee companies, trust consultants.


Dr Maria A Pozza, Director/Lawyer, Gravity Lawyers

Bethan Read, Special Counsel, Morris

To view Part 2 of this series please click here

1 CPD Hour

  • On Demand Event
    • $175.00 excl. GST
    Complete online in your own time (Self-paced)
    • $175.00 excl. GST

Coming Soon

All Coming Soon >>


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